Friday, July 2, 2010

A New Era

So here it is, the era of the blog. I have shied away from blogs for years considering them nothing but navel-gazing excuses for pontification on matters of little interest or by those with little knowledge. But after regularly enjoying the blog of a good friend, who is chronicling her family's journey, and after getting over my voyeurish-addiction to Facebook, here goes a blog. My friend also has specific excerpts from her blog published annually into delightful, scripted photo albums and it seems like a fantastic idea. This blog will serve mostly to remind me of all the things I wish I could remember, and yet only have fuzzy cob-webby recollections of such as people, events and time. Hopefully this will help and allow me to give God greater glory for all His goodness and rich blessings to our family.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Catrin! So glad you're doing this. And I'm happy I get to "watch" what's going on with you guys!
