Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gutenberg printing potato

We're up to pre-Reformation history in school. It's very exciting to read of brave men like John Wycliffe and John Huss who wanted the people to know that the Bible taught God's grace as FREE and not something which could be purchased. They so desperately wanted the Bible to be in the peoples' hands that they hand-copied portions of it to be read to the common folk (like you and me!) This week we've taken a little mosey into the life of Johann Gutenberg. The first book he printed was the Bible, in Latin, so that people could read it for themselves. One of the projects included making a potato printing block. The girls and I made them yesterday and admitted that Gutenberg must've been through a lot of potatoes as he worked his idea of movable type in the printing press. (The pictures aren't in the right order)

Lydia worked away at her "L" only to realize that it had to be carved in the reverse in order to print properly. Thankfully Abigail and I chose "reversible" letters!
It made us all the more thankful to have men of great courage and determination in our church family history!
We also learned about limericks in Grammar. Here's our interdisciplinary limerick:

John Wycliffe and John Huss
They caused a terrible fuss,
They knew the Word
Should be preached and heard,
The people, in the Pope could not trust.

1 comment:

  1. LUV LUV LUV this!!!! :) :) :)
    Keep up the good (and creative) work!
