Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Heard Around Here

We regularly get funny conversations, but these struck me as particularly funny today:

1. Philip: Mom, we're just looking for something to make into party-poopers.
*This is because he knows that "poop" is a bathroom word, forbidden from normal conversation, but I heard him asking Abigail the other day if "party-pooper" was potty-talk.

2. Simeon: Mom, I need some pooh-taste.
*Toothpaste, for all other English-speakers.

3. At dinner tonight I told Kevin that today my dad noticed that our 10-year old dog, Silas, appears to have cataracts. I noted how that while he's an older dog, he is very spry and perhaps we should look into what the cost would be to give him good vision as he ages. Kevin was more resigned and just attributed it to an elderly dog, for whom we will not be springing for cataract surgery! Abigail (listening to the whole conversation) said, "Well, maybe it was Taid's eyes that saw something. He's kind of old, so maybe it was just his eyes!" At the time, it was very funny. Not so funny in writing I guess. It was just humorous to hear her perspective.

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