Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year

My resolution to blog more diligently hasn't amounted to much! We've had some very cold weather this winter, along with frozen precipitation which has meant much more time around the house, and garage. Philip is enjoying learning to roller-blade. He just has to learn in the garage, with wiffle bats as ski poles (and a dog)!And you can also wear inflatable boxing gloves as bouncing shoes. Not sure how long those will last with that kind of wear!
Simeon mastered a new life skill last week: gum chewing. Perhaps we can wean him from his pacifier because he can't chew and suck at the same time. I've had other kids who could, but I'd prefer he not master both skills--gives me a bit of leverage. I have to admit, it's kind of cute to see him try to control all the chewing and additional saliva he generates. He's very intent when he's chewing; good focusing skills!

New Year's Eve day, we drove to Stem, NC to visit a family from church. The weather warmed up enough for us to have some fun at a playground.
Everyone had a turn at jumping rope--even the moms! Here's the teenage daughter, coaxed out of shyness, to take a turn ;0)


  1. I love the ski pole idea!
    And I love the clean garage floor -- how do you do that???!

  2. Ha! Clean garage--that'll be the day. I long to return it to it's former glory, but right now it's our junk place (along with all the other junk places!) I bought myself an electric leaf blower for $40 one time, and every so often I just blow the heck out of the place--it's cathartic!
