Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happening lately

We are in the middle of our first quarter of a new school year. It has been significantly "interrupted" by lots of good things: quick few days at the beach with friends; swimming lessons; several houseguests; lots of hosting on the weekends (which crash the beginning of the week!) and sundry other miscellany. I have been blessed to have had the help of a dear young college friend (a GCC student nonetheless) to help me teach preschool to Philip twice a week while my mom was out of town for six weeks. So, we'll extend our school quarter by a week to make sure we get everything covered.
My mom returned today to preschool and during "outside time" Philip appeared in the school room to say (in rapid, but quiet, fire) "I hit Nain in the face with the baseball, but I said I was sorry." "Oh, okay...Lydia keep reading that out loud...WAIT, what kind of ball were you using?" "The hard one." "Does she need ice?" "No, she already has it on her face." I rush downstairs to find my mom nursing a bruised cheek and a bruised leg and her comment, "I guess he's really improved since I've been gone. He hit every one I pitched to him." Thankfully, no broken bones, but he is pretty good at a long arm extended swing with a metal bat!
I have been taking a self-defense class based on Wing Chun--a Kung Fu system. It has been rather fun! I have been bruised and beaten up by both men and women, but it has been a wonderful stretching of mind and body. I pray I don't ever have to use it, but it has been a really useful way to start thinking about bodies and reactions.
Simeon has begun to express his likes and dislikes in very concrete terms and it's a little tough to deal with. I do enjoy, however, when Kevin gives him some long explanation like, "No Simeon, you may not respond that way. It is unacceptable and we are not going to let you speak that way." I'm sure he can't have understood half the words, but Simeon always bows his head and says, "Yessir."

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