Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It was almost 100 degrees today, so outside time became inside time and the girls joined in the "Okey Pokey"--which featured constantly changing lyrics.

My kind mother comes and teaches pre-school twice a week to Philip to keep him occupied while I school the girls and also to keep him distracted from eating himself into oblivion. I dread to think what our grocery bill will look like in 10 years. Anyway, my mom and sometimes my dad as well, come to visit and help out. We love it and I am VERY thankful for their giving of time and energies.

Simeon enjoyed a snack on my dad's lap. I thought this was a great picture of my dad,
who is now 68 and doing quite well. Simeon, well, he's just still working on the smile.


  1. That final photo is priceless. Your youngest certainly has a photogenic streak--perhaps not in the traditional sense, but charming nonetheless! It was good as well to see Nain back in preschool-teaching mode. I know it is a balm to my dear student's love of routine. :-)

    Thank you for sharing the delightfulness.

    (oh and btw this is your fellow Grover who forgot that her Google account was so ... literary. :-))

  2. Oh Annie, you scared me half to death! Now I know who you are but at first my eyes were scanning so quickly as my heart was trying to catch up! My greatest fear on the internet--being discovered by a stranger.

  3. Oh dear! My apologies for being such a troublemaker. My accustomed wont has been to not identify myself online, hence my younger Anne-of-Green-Gables allusion. But yes, here I am, regular old Annie, just enjoying the photos of your adorable children. Just call me quirky.
