Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Preschool II

Sometimes we enlist Taid to help with the games. He's an expert ;0)

I think I like Preschool better than Pre-School. Anyway, you might be wondering what exactly you can teach a 3-year old boy at home. Unlike the purpose of a lot of preschools: socialization, a child in a family of multiple children needs less socialization and more "sitting still" skills! So, my mom purposed to have a preschool schedule for Philip which is diverse but regular and consistent. She begins at 9:30 with a time of prayer and catechism memory work. From there, they move on to an activity relating to a theme they are working on: colors, shapes, number recognition, the human body. Then they do some physical work, usually cutting with scissors or gluing or any of the activities you see in the picture. They conclude that section with a workbook activity incorporating critical thinking and fine motor skills. By then it is time for snack. Philip's favorite part. Even an apple brought from HER home, is much more edible than an apple from OUR fridge! After snack, they may do an alphabet puzzle or play with play-doh, then have story time (the same old stories bring squeals of delight!) and finally, outside time--which usually involves playing baseball.
The Substitute. My parents have been traveling this summer. They were gone for about 6 weeks to Hawaii, Tennessee and Florida. When I realized that they would be gone for such an extended period I made an offer to a very dear young friend, who also happens to be a gifted GCC student. She agreed to come twice a week to teach Philip as the substitute. When I told Philip that Miss Annie had agreed to be his teacher until Nain returned, his only question about the arrangement was, "Will she give me a snack?" "Yes." "Good." And with that, he was satisfied. Miss Annie's tenure was a delight and Philip responded well to her following Nain's same schedule. Later each morning, I would frequently hear a buzzing noise and finally I went downstairs to ask what he was doing. He was using his "electric knife" to cut the play doh as they made all kinds of salad items out of green doh. His electric knife got a LOT of use this summer! Thank you, Annie, for being a wonderful help to us. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Catrin, so glad you've joined the blogging world! I'm going to look forward to seeing more of your family through this venue. Thanks for letting me know--I've already had a lot of fun looking! Love, Kristin
