Monday, November 15, 2010

Low Battery

Well, sometimes that describes how I feel, but right now it's the status of my camera, hence the dearth of photos.
We went to a Tedd Tripp parenting conference this past weekend. Good stuff. If you haven't got a copy of Shepherding a Child's Heart, you should ;0) Got us thinking and re-thinking some of our parenting heart attitudes and behaviors as well as those of our kids. One thing that has continued to resonate (lots has, but I'll just include this thing) is that our children, because they are created imago dei are created to be worshipers. They will worship either God, or idols. They don't ever stop worshiping. They crave awe. Children constantly seek things to awe them ("Mom, watch me do this! See, look at what I can do! Mom, look at this cool thing I found!") Dr. Tripp admonished us to see our children dazzled, awed, blown away, by the grace of God. And the primary responsibility lies with us parents to reflect that to our children. Am I dazzled by the grace of God? Do I worship Him constantly or do I give in the idol-factory of my heart and rush to be awed by the idols? I want for my kids to be dazzled by the gospel!
So, we're re-working some of our daily habits in light of the seminar. All good, but convicting--which is hard work.
Tonight at dinner, Simeon wanted to ask something of the other kids. They were watching a DVD of Andy Griffith (confession: if Kevin isn't home for dinner, I let them watch some Andy Griffith episodes on the computer while I fix (okay, and sometimes eat) dinner. It's not ideal, but it's not every night either. Mostly every other. Anyway, the bigger kids were absorbed and so Simeon shouts, "CHILDREN!" at which they all look at him and he asks his question. It's just funny to me how #4 asserts himself. He often says, "SSHHH, I readin' da Bible now. Be quiet." And he actually commands a presence.
And then if you're #3, like Philip, you're brushing your teeth while your mom stands next to you. But if she's zoned out by #4 yammerin' in the tub, you might just have to congratulate yourself on a brushing job well-done and say "Good job, Philip" as you hop off the bathroom stool and into your bed.
Today was our first day back to school after 3 weeks off. We hit it hard from 8:30-11:30 and then 12:30-3:00. At 11:00 Lydia says, "I just feel sick. Sick, Mom!" I think I was pushing a little too much for that first day back--so I let her lie down on the couch and then she was refreshed. Okay, better sign off as I need to run in the morning.

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